Harbhajan Singh and Yuvraj Singh added humour to an episode of Salman Khan‘s Dus Ka Dum, with a playful reference to Salman’s past feud with actor Vivek Oberoi. Their witty banter sparked laughter, offering fans a nostalgic moment related to one of Bollywood’s most famous controversies.
In one of the episodes, Harbhajan humorously interrupted Salman’s story about a shoot, asking if he was running after Vivek Oberoi, referencing their past feud. This cheeky remark had the audience in stitches, but it was Salman’s sharp response that made the moment even more memorable.
The superstar responded humorously to Harbhajan’s playful remark about Vivek, advising him to let Vivek live his life peacefully. His witty response, accompanied by his charming smile, had Harbhajan and Yuvraj Singh laughing. Salman’s playful yet self-deprecating humor made the moment a highlight of the show.
This moment humorously referenced the past tension between Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi, which began after Salman’s breakup with Aishwarya Rai. After their split, Aishwarya started dating Vivek, which fueled a rivalry between the two actors, attracting significant media attention.
The feud between Salman and Vivek intensified when Vivek accused Salman of making threatening calls to him. This led to a media frenzy, casting Salman in a negative light. However, the controversy hurt Vivek’s career more, as Bollywood producers began avoiding him. Meanwhile, Aishwarya moved on and later married Abhishek Bachchan.