Virat Kohli, who recently returned from his forgettable series in Australia, was spotted with his actress wife Anushka Sharma at Premanand Ji Maharaj’s ashram along with their kids Vamika and Akaay. The spiritual guru shared his wisdom with the two of them. Their interaction was shared on social media where Anushka recounting her previous visit, stated that she had many questions in her mind but people around had asked similar question, thus she got her answers. About Virat , the spiritual guru said,” he brings joy to the entire nation through their contributions via his game. “This, too, is a form of service.”
The stylish couple were spotted this morning at the Gateway of India jetty, mostly probably heading towards their private Alibaug villa to celebrate daughter Vamika’s birthday, who turned 4 yesterday. While Virat was dressed in a black track pants and black t-shirt with a white cap, Anushka was dressed in black shorts, white T-shirt and a blue striped shirt. As they were about to board their speedboat, Virat put his hand around Anushka’s shoulder and they were spotted having a deep conversation.
Having retired from T20s after the World Cup in 2024, Virat Kohli will be seen playing next against England in the ODI Series, followed by the IPL 2025 for Royal Challengers Bangalore. He is likely to be the Captain of the IPL team once again. On the other hand, Anushka’s return to the movies has been delayed with her film Chakda Express lying in doldrums after the Netflix pullout.