Kangana Ranaut‘s ‘Emergency‘ has finally released in cinemas after much delay. The film released on Friday, January 17 and clashed at the box office with Abhishek Kapoor’s directorial ‘Azaad‘. This one sees the debut of Ajay Devgn’s nephew Aaman Devgn and Raveena Tandon’s daughter Rasha Thadani. Both these movies had a below-average start at the box office.
While Emergency made Rs 2.5 crore on Friday, on Saturday, the collection up to afternoon is Rs 1.19 crore. Thus, the Saturday numbers can be expected to be higher than Friday as the word of mouth for the movie is good. The collection may see a rise in night shows further due to a holiday on Sunday. The total collection of ‘Emergency’ till Saturday afternoon is Rs 3.69 crore.
On the other hand, there are mixed reviews for ‘Azaad’ and not that good word of mouth. Thus, it may see a dip in the business on Saturday. Up till afternoon on day 2, which is Saturday, the collection was Rs 52 lakhs and on day 1 the movie made Rs 1.5 crore. Thus, by the end of Saturday, the collection would either be lesser than Friday or just at par with day 1. This, despite the fact that the song ‘Uyi Amma’ from the movie has been doing well and should have gotten more people at the single screens if the music gets popular.
Meanwhile, ‘Pushpa 2‘ is still giving a tough competition to both these movies. On Friday, which was its day 44, the film had made around Rs 1 crore.