On December 13, 2024, the Kapoor family hosted a grand event to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of the legendary filmmaker Raj Kapoor. The star-studded affair featured numerous celebrities, including Kartik Aaryan, who looked dashing at the soirée. During the event, Aaryan interacted with Alia Bhatt, and a clip of their conversation is now going viral online. Recently, in a fan interaction, Aaryan recalled their chat, revealing that he was genuinely asking Alia about the release date of her new film.
Alia met Kartik at the gala to celebrate Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary.
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The two were captured in a viral video from the red carpet, engrossed in a deep conversation. Later, during an event attended by Kartik, he was asked by a fan about their chat, to which he revealed that he had been asking Alia about the release date of her upcoming film.
Kartik initially mentioned that they were just discussing general topics in response to a fan’s inquiry about his conversation with Alia. However, when the fan pressed for more details, Aaryan humorously remarked that he had told Alia to ensure the lift was fixed before the event. As the fan remained doubtful, Kartik added, “I was genuinely asking her, ‘Acha, kab tak will your new film release?’ and she was asking me about my film.” He also mentioned that he inquired about Ranbir Kapoor and their daughter, Raha.
In another viral video, Kartik was seen engaging in a lively conversation with Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, who warmly welcomed him to their family gathering. During the event, he also caught up with his industry friend, Aditya Roy Kapur. The two actors shared some playful banter.