The only thing constant about time is that it changes. More than a month back, when on December 05, 2024, Allu Arjun came on the big screen with his ‘Pushpa 2,’ the actor smashed all records. In 2024, ‘Pushpa 2’ re-wrote the rules of cinema and box office. However, after a successful run of 49 days, and with the release of new movies (‘Game Changer,’ ‘Emergency’ and ‘Azaad’), ‘Pushpa 2’ day by day is witnessing a drop in business. Followed by a collection of Rs.0.65 crore on both Monday and Tuesday, the movie roughly made Rs. 0.50 crore on Wednesday, according to the Sacnilk report.
Headlined by Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, the movie’s net collection in India currently stands at Rs. 1230.05 Cr. Back in December, it gave tough competition to ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’ and Varun Dhawan’s ‘Baby John,’ but now the latest releases are leading the box office.
However, the box office in general has turned a tad colder. Even the latest releases haven’t been able to ignite a spark that would call for celebration. The week that started on a low note has seen a dip in the collection for almost every movie. According to Sacnilk, on Wednesday ‘Emergency’ took the lead with box office earnings of Rs.0.85 cr, followed by ‘Game Changer’ which made Rs.0.65 cr, and finally ‘Azaad’ which earned Rs. 0.55 cr.
Weekly net collection of ‘Pushap 2’ in India
Week 1 Collection – Rs.725.8 Cr
Week 2 Collection – Rs.264.8 Cr
Week 3 Collection – Rs.129.5 Cr
Week 4 Collection – Rs.69.65 Cr
Week 5 Collection – Rs.25.25 Cr
Week 6 Collection – Rs.9.7 Cr
7th Friday – Rs.0.95 Cr
7th Saturday – Rs1.1 Cr
7th Sunday – 1.5 Cr
7th Monday – Rs. 0.65 Cr
7th Tuesday – Rs. 0.65 Cr
7th Wednesday – Rs. 0.50 Cr (rough estimate)
Total – ₹ 1230.05 Cr
It is clear that the movie that ruled back in December, is now struggling really hard to reach the Rs.1300 core mark.