Late last night, Riddhima Kapoor took to her IG handle to feature an adorable anniversary post for husband Bharat Sahni. Sharing two pics from the wedding, the jewelery designer wrote, “19 years ………our love story continues…………………….. Happy anniversary to my forever and always❤️”
In the pics, we spotted Riddhima’s late father Rishi Kapoor, who is busy with the rituals of the wedding. We also spotted Shweta Bachchan in the pic, wearing a blue saree. Shweta Bachchan is married to Nikhil Nanda whose late mother Ritu Nanda was the sibling of Reema Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, and Rishi Kapoor. Take a look….
Riddhima, who has largely stayed out of the public eye, recently entered the world of showbiz with Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives. While her family members, including father Rishi Kapoor, mother Neetu, brother Ranbir, and sister-in-law Alia Bhatt, are all actors, Riddhima chose a different path as a jewellery designer and never considered acting. However, when she finally ventured into the entertainment industry, she drew inspiration from her family.
She shared, “From Alia to Ranbir, to Bebo to Lolo, and even the younger generation… I take inspiration from everyone. They are all my role models. The best part is they are incredibly supportive, which I truly appreciate.
Whatever you choose to do, they’ll always encourage you. When my show dropped, most of them finished watching it in one go.”
Riddhima also addressed the misconceptions about the Kapoor family’s approach to career choices. “People often say things that aren’t true. My family has never stopped anyone from pursuing their dreams,” she said, dismissing the negativity.
Reflecting on her own experience, Riddhima recalled, “I remember once telling my parents that I wanted to join the movies, and they were completely supportive. They told me to go for it. But it was my decision to study abroad, and they respected that. They were concerned about me leaving home at 17 years of age, but they still supported my choice. I want to make it clear that my family has always been behind any decision I’ve made.”