Asha Bhosle‘s daughter Zanai Bhosle is quite popular on the internet. She recently celebrated her 23rd birthday and shared some photos from the celebrations on the gram. The celebration was attended by Asha Bhosle, Jackie Shroff, actor Abhay Verma along with some cricketers like Suyash Prabhudessai, Siddhesh Lad and Shreyas Iyer. Cricketer Mohammed Siraj was also seen and his photo with Zanai sparked rumours of them dating. Zanai shared these photos and wrote, “23’ done right 💙✨”
But her candid picture with Siraj created a lot of spark on the internet. Users speculated that they are dating. A user said, “Are you going to marry Siraj?” Another person wrote, “Are Zanai and Siraj dating each other?”
On her birthday, Zanai looked stunning in a navy blue sequin dress. She and Siraj were clicked in a candid moment as they looked at each other and shared a laugh.
However, now, Zanai and Siraj have both clarified on these rumours and said that they are like brother and sister. She shared a photo with him and said, “Mere pyaare bhai (my dear brother) (sparkles and flower emojis).”
Siraj reposted this and added, “Meri behen ke jaisi koi behna nahin. Bina iske kahin bhi mujhe rehna nahin. Jaise hai chaand sitaaron mein, meri behna hai ek hazaaro mein (There is no one like my sister. I don’t want to stay anywhere without her. I sister is one of a kind like the moon and stars). Zanai re-shared it with a red heart emojis.
Zanai is also a singer, like her grandmother, the legendary Asha Bhosle.