Sanya Malhotra is all set to showcase her acting skills in the upcoming film ‘Mrs’, which is set to premiere on the OTT platform on February 7, 2025. Directed by Aarti Kadav, this film is an official remake of the acclaimed Malayalam movie ‘The Great Indian Kitchen‘ (2021). The story revolves around Richa, a trained dancer and a teacher, whose life dramatically changes after marriage. Sanya has already garnered accolades for her role in this film, winning the Best Actress award at the 2024 New York Indian Film Festival for her outstanding performance.
In a recent interview with HT City, Sanya opened up about her personal life and whether she plans to become a ‘Mrs’ anytime soon. She humorously responded, “Nahi, I don’t have the time to,” indicating that her busy work schedule leaves little room for personal commitments.
Few weeks ago, Sanya and sitarist Rishab Rikhiram Sharma sparked dating rumours after photos of them together went viral. A Reddit user shared images showing the duo at the same event, with one picture featuring Rishab taking a photo with a fan while Sanya stood beside him, leading fans to wonder if they are the new lovebirds in town.
Talking about if any ‘strings’ came to her mind when she was questioned about marriage, she laughed and clarified, “No, no. I’m actually quite busy with work. Time nahi hai, mere paas chhuti lene ka time nahi hai.”
Sanya also discussed her aspirations regarding Hollywood. She stated, “I have no plans. The only plans that I have is to take some time off of work and go for a vacation, be on a beach.” Although she expressed uncertainty about pursuing international projects, she noted that her recent film has already made an impact globally, as evidenced by her award in New York. She added, “But no yaar, no plans as of yet. But as I said, I’m naturally attracted to good scripts and great stories. If wahan kuchh hoga toh chali jaaungi.”