Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani began their pre-wedding celebrations in Goa two weeks ago, with photos going viral online. Now, they have shared an official video capturing their heartfelt vows. They reminisced about meeting 20 years ago, while Karisma Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, and Samaira Kapoor were deeply moved by their words.
Watch the video here:
Karisma Kapoor attended her cousin Aadar Jain’s pre-wedding celebration in Goa with her daughter, Samaira Kapoor. Neetu Kapoor, Nitasha Nanda, Aadar’s parents Rima and Manoj Jain, Armaan Jain, Anissa Malhotra, and others were also there.
Aadar and Alekha shared a video of their vow exchange, captioning it, “In the place I grew up, with the person I grew up with, we said forever. 12.01.25.” The video shows Armaan Jain introducing them with a fun speech, Alekha walking down the aisle with her parents, and Aadar getting emotional seeing her. As they exchanged vows and shared a kiss, Karisma, Neetu, Samaira, and others were mesmerized. Karisma was also seen cheering for the couple.
Karisma Kapoor looked beautiful in a blue breezy dress, while her daughter Samaira Kapoor wore a gorgeous white gown. Neetu Kapoor chose a white co-ord set. During their vows, Aadar and Alekha fondly remembered meeting each other 20 years ago.
Aadar said, “From the moment I met you 20 years ago, I knew in my heart that you were really special. I didn’t understand it back then but standing here with you today in front of all our family and friends, it all makes perfect sense. You’re the first girl I ever spoke to, my first crush in life, my best friend for last 20 years, and now my soon-to-be wife.”
Alekha added, “Our story began years before I even knew it did. We were just 2 kids stealing shy glances at each other at the bus stop on Altamount Road. Who would have thought that in those moments, would lead us here, standing face to face exchanging vows and promising to spend the rest of our lives together.”
Ranbir Kapoor’s sister, Riddhima Kapoor, who couldn’t attend the pre-wedding celebration, expressed her love by posting heart emojis on the post.
Alekha and Aadar held their Roka ceremony in Mumbai in November 2024. The intimate event was attended by the Kapoor family, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Navya Nanda, and more. Photos and videos from the ceremony quickly went viral on social media.