Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s Game Changer was initially announced in 2021, and in January 2025, it finally premiered. The movie was released on January 10, 2025, and is about to finish its third week at the box office. According to a Sacnilk report, the movie currently after 21 days, stands at 130.61 crores. It made a business of Rs. 0.19 crore on Wednesday, which fell to Rs.0.12 crore on Thursday.
When it debuted at the box office, it showed potential to handle the reigns. In its first week, it crossed the Rs.100 crore mark. However, in the second week, it could only mint a little more than Rs. 11 crore. The movie made its last crore on day 11. However, it did see improvement on the Republic Day weekend, but the following weekdays witnessed slow business. As we speak, this Thursday it only collected Rs. 0.12 crore, while its competitor ‘Emergency’ made Rs. 0.17 crore.
Net collection of ‘Game Changer’ in India
Day 1 [1st Friday]: Rs. 51 Cr
Day 2 [1st Saturday]: Rs. 21.6 Cr
Day 3 [1st Sunday]: Rs. 15.9 Cr
Day 4 [1st Monday]: Rs. 7.65 Cr
Day 5 [1st Tuesday]: Rs. 10 Cr
Day 6 [1st Wednesday]: Rs.7 Cr
Day 7 [1st Thursday]: Rs.4.5 Cr
Week 1 Collection: Rs. 117.65 Cr
Day 8 [2nd Friday]: Rs. 2.65 Cr
Day 9: [2nd Saturday]: Rs. 2.4 Cr
Day 10 [2nd Sunday]: Rs. 2.6 Cr
Day 11 [2nd Monday]: Rs. 1 Cr
Day 12 [2nd Tuesady]: Rs. 0.9 Cr
Day 13 [2nd Wednsday]: Rs.0.8 Cr
Day 14 [2nd Thursday]: Rs.0.7 Cr
Week 2 Collection: Rs. 11.15 Cr
Day 15 [3rd Friday]: Rs. 0.3 Cr
Day 16: [3rd Saturday]: Rs. 0.33 Cr
Day 17 [3rd Sunday]: Rs. 0.42 Cr
Day 18 [3rd Monday]: Rs. 0. 25 Cr
Day 19 [3rd Tuesday]: Rs. 0. 20 Cr
Day 20 [3rd Wednsday]: Rs. 0.19 Cr
Day 21 [3rd Thursday]: Rs. 0.12 Cr (early estimates)
Total: Rs. 130.61 Cr
It is worth noting that ‘Game Changer’ had no pan-India competition in the first week of its release. The impact of the same is visible in the numbers. By the second week, it got a completion from not one but two movies – ‘Emergency’ and ‘Azaad.’ While the latter couldn’t perform too well, the former outshined ‘Game Changer.’ Currently, the competition is also coming from Akshay Kumar’s ‘Sky Force,’ which was released last Friday, and from ‘Deva’ starring Shahid Kapoor which is releasing today.